Saturday, October 13, 2007


My girls are at an indoor waterpark in lake George with their Dad today. Here is a picture of my little mermaids having fun.

Another picture

This picture is Violet's referral photo. I cant believe it has been 5 years since she came home.


Well, 5 years ago today we had our G&R Ceremony for Violet Chantrea in Cambodia. What an amazing gift we received in adopting Violet. She is an absolute joy and has blessed our family so much. On this day I am so thankful for her and it reminds me that even though the waiting involved in international adoption (13 months for us) may be long and bumpy, the end result is so very worth the wait. So, as I am worried about the outcome of our current Vietnam adoption, I am reminded to have faith and trust that the outcome will be as it is meant to be. Sweet Violet, I am so proud to be your mommy.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

New pics

I got some new pictures of Tai last week. I wish I could post them here but I cant until he is officially mine. I'll share a bit of him here. Check out these chubby cheeks and kissable lips. I cant wait to kiss this sweet baby. I am staying hopeful that there wont be much of a delay.
It is a gorgeous day here in upstate NY.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Wishing for the Best

Well, I knew this adoption seemed to be going too well... There has been talk on the lists I belong to of families in TN right now having trouble getting their visas. The word investigation is being used. I pray these families get out ok with their babies. I am also very nervous about what this may mean for those of us waiting to travel to TN. Probably a delay of some sort, hopefully nothing worse. I am anxiously waiting for news and trying to stay positive. (because of investigations in Cambodia, I waited 13 months to bring Violet home.)

Heres a pic

Thought I would share a picture of my amazing daughters. They keep me busy and are my greatest joy.

Decided it was time...

Well I decided it was time to create a blog. We are on our journey to bring Tai home from Vietnam. Jade, Violet, & Chanty are so excited to meet him and so am I. We are busy getting ready and hope to get the travel call end of October or early November.