Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hard to Wait

As I wait for my I600 approval, I cant believe how hard the wait is becoming. I feel like we are getting close, but I have no idea when.
I want a Christmas Miracle so much. All I want fo rmy Christmas Present this year is I600 approval for Tai.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Its Out...

I am so happy to say that my I600 was finally mailed out!!!!! It went out yesterday November 30th. I am a happy girl. One step closer to bringing Tai home. Now I will be counting the days till approval. I am saying a prayer that it doesnt take the full 60 days. I am just so thrilled to get one step closer.

Friday, November 23, 2007

I600 not out yet

Well we had a really nice Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful day. Also on Thanksgiving Eve I got new pictures of Tai. He is getting so big. He looks wonderful. Bad news is, my I600 still has not gone out yet. I am hoping Black Friday is the day :) I cant take much more of this wait....

Monday, November 19, 2007

Left Behind

I have been thinking a lot about Tai today and wondering always, what he is doing. Is he okay, happy, fed enough, held, etc...On that note, I am also thinking of all of the kids left behing at Violet and Chanty's orphanage in Cambodia. There are 170 kids at their orphanage in Kompong Thom. Such amazing kids, amazing spirits, big smiles. With the shutdown of Cambodian adoptions to US citizens in 2001, so many children have been "left behind". My ex-husband does a lot of work in Cambodia to help them and has a non-profit devoted to it. Here's the link

Friday, November 16, 2007

counting blessings

A lot of my time lately has been caught up in bringing Tai home. And there has been so much uncertianty and ups & downs with the process. Last night the girls and I stayed home and hung out, had a nice dinner, and the girls all painted their nails. We had a lot of fun. It reminded me to count my blessings and with all of the trials and tribulations going on right now with the adoption, I cant lose sight of the important stuff at home. I am so thankful for my girls. Here is a picture of them having fun at Great Escape this summer. (Hopefully next summer Tai will be there too and the crazy wait will be but a distant memory.)

A bumpy ride

The past month or so has just been crazy. I had completely forgotten how frusterating international adoption can be. Finally I got so close to a travel call for Tai, and the new I600 regulations came into effect. So, I have been waiting for my I600 to go out. As of right now, it still is not out and I am tired of this being a process under which I dont have a lot of control. I just want my baby boy home. I am hoping to hear good news today about my I600....

Saturday, November 10, 2007


We have snow today in upstate NY! Only 2 inches, but its great to see snow again. The kids are outside playing and loving it.
On the adoption front, I am still waiting for my I600 to go out and hope to hear something soon. The snow has gotten me in the holiday spirit. Now, if Tai were home for Christmas that would be perfect. (not realistic but a girl can hope right)

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Its been a while since I have posted because things have just been crazy and unpredictable. I went from thinking I would travel soon to having no idea when. I am currently waiting to file my I600 and hope to do that soon. Then the wait begins. I am hoping they process quicker than the "up to 60 days" mentioned online. It is so hard to know that my baby boy is getting older by the minute and I have no idea when I will travel.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


My girls are at an indoor waterpark in lake George with their Dad today. Here is a picture of my little mermaids having fun.

Another picture

This picture is Violet's referral photo. I cant believe it has been 5 years since she came home.


Well, 5 years ago today we had our G&R Ceremony for Violet Chantrea in Cambodia. What an amazing gift we received in adopting Violet. She is an absolute joy and has blessed our family so much. On this day I am so thankful for her and it reminds me that even though the waiting involved in international adoption (13 months for us) may be long and bumpy, the end result is so very worth the wait. So, as I am worried about the outcome of our current Vietnam adoption, I am reminded to have faith and trust that the outcome will be as it is meant to be. Sweet Violet, I am so proud to be your mommy.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

New pics

I got some new pictures of Tai last week. I wish I could post them here but I cant until he is officially mine. I'll share a bit of him here. Check out these chubby cheeks and kissable lips. I cant wait to kiss this sweet baby. I am staying hopeful that there wont be much of a delay.
It is a gorgeous day here in upstate NY.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Wishing for the Best

Well, I knew this adoption seemed to be going too well... There has been talk on the lists I belong to of families in TN right now having trouble getting their visas. The word investigation is being used. I pray these families get out ok with their babies. I am also very nervous about what this may mean for those of us waiting to travel to TN. Probably a delay of some sort, hopefully nothing worse. I am anxiously waiting for news and trying to stay positive. (because of investigations in Cambodia, I waited 13 months to bring Violet home.)

Heres a pic

Thought I would share a picture of my amazing daughters. They keep me busy and are my greatest joy.

Decided it was time...

Well I decided it was time to create a blog. We are on our journey to bring Tai home from Vietnam. Jade, Violet, & Chanty are so excited to meet him and so am I. We are busy getting ready and hope to get the travel call end of October or early November.